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Lump Sum Investing Data Calculation with Compounding

This tool calculated lump sum investing related data.

Choose the item to be calculated:
Lump sum:
Annually rate of return:
Future value of the lump sum:

The following chart shows the power of the compounding effect.

The Earilest We Invest, the Less We Need to Invest to Achieve Our Investment Goal. Asuuming the annual rate of return is 5%.

Or the longer we invest, the less money we need to invest to ahieve the same investment goal. So if our investment goal is to retire and if we start investing early, we will be less stressful in the future when we don't need to save a lot of money. Instead, we can spend our money.
Investment Goal: $

What about investing in a SP500 Index Fund?

The SP500 is said to have a long-term annual return rate of about 10%. The chart below shows how long do w need to achieve our investment goal with a pure SP500 ETF portfolio
Investment Goal: $


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