There are many reasons why we should diversify our investment portfolio. One of them is to reduce the fluctuation of our asset value. The statistical term for fluctuation is standard deviation.
Standard Deviation of Returns, Not Prices.
It is the standard deviation of the asset returns we are reducing not asset prices, because it would not make sense that the standard deviation of asset return is 0, which means that the asset value neither goes down nor goes up. Asset with price standard deviation being 0 will not generate any return.
On the other hand, it is meaningful to reduce the standard deviation of asset returns. For example, stock A, with a mean return rate of 5% and a return rate standard deviation of 10%, can generate a return of 5%, 4%, 0% or -10% this year.
But we don't want the -10% return happening, we can add some other investment asset who is negatively corrected or not corrected with stock A, say cash, assuming cash has a mean return rate of 0% and a return rate standard deviation of 0%.
Furthermore, cash return is not corrected with stock A, because however stock A price moves would not affect cash price, which stays the same regardless.
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