Am I referring to alchemy?
No, I am not.
A simple way to become richer and richer is not to spend all your passive income and your net worth will actually grow.
Concrete Steps to grow money even when retired
- Calculate maximum daily expense for a year and divided this number by 4%.
- Add some additional money to the amount obtain at step 1.
- Work hard, save hard until you accumulate enough index funds such as VTI or VOO.
- Live happily and watch your wealth grow.
Calculate maximum daily expense for a year and divided this number by 4%
4% is pretty safe withdrawal rate for SPY. If you had retired at the worst
times possible in the past 20 years, your asset values would actually grow
sell 4% of your all-SPY portfoilio living.
If your annual living cost is $50,000, you need $50,000/0.04 = $1,250,000 to
Annual Expense: $
Withdrawal Rate: %
Withdrawal Rate: %
You need $1250000 to retire.
Add some additional money to the amount obtain at step 1
The reason I want to save a little more than what I need is that I can grow my asset even when I am retired. The amount of money I can spend actually increases overtime.
Continued with the previous example. Now I save another $300,000, but keep spending the original planned $50,000 each year. I would retire with $1,250,000 + $300,000 = $1,555,000.
The first year, I spend $50,000 and the addition savings of $300,000 gives me $300,000*0.04 = $1,200.
This $1,200 will generate $1,200*0.04=$480 in the second year. This means I can spend $50,000 + $480 without touching the either the original retired fund of $1,555,000 nor the accumulated capital of $1,200.
Divide $480 by $50,000, I have got 0.96%, which is the rate of increase in how much I can spend relative to the original planned annual spending.
The rate of increase in how much money I can spend annually has this formula:
Increasing Rate = withdrawal rate * additional fund / original fund
Increasing Rate = withdrawal rate * additional fund / (annual expenses / withdrawal rate)
which is
Increasing Rate = withdrawal rate^2 * additional fund / annual expenses
Annual Expense: $
Withdrawal Rate: %
Increasing Rate: %
Withdrawal Rate: %
Increasing Rate: %
You need $1406250.00 to have a growing spending money set at the rate above.
Beating Inflation
Let's assume the inflation rate is 2% which is the current goal of the Fed. I need a increase rate of 2% to just cover the inflation. Using the example above, I will need $1875000 to retire.

Withdraw More
Setting 4% as the withdraw rate is quite safe. But it does make retirement goal harder to get to. What about a higher withdrawal rate?
Annual Expense: $
Increasing Rate: %
Increasing Rate: %
How much pressure does inflation put on retirees?
Here I use the same formula to calculate how much money we need to retire for speanding the same amount of money adjusted for inflation. I now refer the increasing rate as the inflaiton rate.
Annual Expense: $
Withdrawal Rate: %
Withdrawal Rate: %
Well, at least the pressure put on retirees by inflation is linear.
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