Some of most famous high yield ETFs include VWEHX, HYG and PHB . Here is their performance comparisons.
- VWEHX stands for Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund Investor Shares.
- HYG stands for iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF.
- PHB stands for Invesco Fundamental High Yield Corporate Bond ETF.
Fundamentals Comparison
Item | VWEHX | PHB | HYG |
Expense Ratio | 0.23% | 0.50% | 0.48% |
Inception | 1978/12/27 | 2007/11/15 | 2007/4/4 |
Performance Comparison
Randomly Select An Investment of 252 Days, 1 year
- VWEHX average return: 6.311%, VWEHX has a 61.6% chance of beating HYG.
- HYG average return: 5.597%, HYG has a 67% chance of beating PHB.
- PHB average return: 4.603%.
Randomly Select An Investment of 504 Days, 2 year
- VWEHX average return: 14.894% VWEHX has a 79% chance of beating HYG.
- HYG average return: 13.299%, HYG has a 68.8% chance of beating PHB.
- PHB average return: 11.395%
Randomly Select An Investment of 504 Days, 3 year
- VWEHX average return: 23.033% VWEHX has a 88.2% chance of beating HYG.
- HYG average return: 20.488%, HYG has a 69.8% chance of beating PHB.
- PHB average return: 17.236%
Randomly Select An Investment of 1,260 Days, 5 year
- VWEHX average return: 39.738% VWEHX has a 95.3% chance of beating HYG.
- HYG average return: 34.958%, HYG has a 91.8% chance of beating PHB.
- PHB average return: 28.979%
Randomly Select An Investment of 2,520 Days, 10 year
- VWEHX average return: 92.959% VWEHX has a 99.2% chance of beating HYG.
- HYG average return: 79.799%, HYG has a 100% chance of beating PHB.
- PHB average return: 66.375%
- VWEHX beats HYG and HYG beats PHB when selecting a random span of investment duration of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years or 10 years.
- The longer the investment duration is the chances of VWEHX beating HYG and HYG beating PHB increase.
- The longer the investment duration is the magnitude of VWEHX beating HYG and HYG beating PHB increase in terms of average returns.
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