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Which Asset Class Had the Best Performance During the 2000 Financial Crisis?

 In this article, I want to explore which asset, ETFs, MFs, Stocks, did best during the 2008 financial crisis. I will compare the investment results against the result of SPY, since it represents the overall market. The scenario is investing right at the highest point of S&P 500 index right before it crashed during the crisis. The date is March 24, 2000 what when the index reached 1,527.46.

I will compare the returns of each asset against SPY in the following order:

  1. Investing until the bottom of the crisis at 776.76 on Oct 09, 2002 in order to simulate downside risk.
  2. Investing until the S&P 500 index closed above the previous high at 1,530.23 on May 30, 2007 in order to simulate recover ability.
  3. Investing until the bottom of the 2008 financial crisis at 676.53 on Mar 09, 2009.
  4. Investing until the bottom of the Covid crisis at 2,304.92 on Mar 20, 2020, in order to simulate a series of financial crisis.


  1. SPY return is -47.503% and FKINX return is 0.494%.
  2. SPY return is 11.731% and FKINX return is 114.240%.
  3. SPY return is -48.506% and FKINX return is 20.344%.
  4. SPY return is 117.561% and FKINX return is 195.840%.


  1. SPY return is -47.503% and VWEHX return is -2.368%.
  2. SPY return is 11.731% and VWEHX return is 51.375%.
  3. SPY return is -48.506% and VWEHX return is 15.563%.
  4. SPY return is 117.561% and VWEHX return is 165.331%.


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