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Comparison of Withdrawing from Portfolios of SPY and Franklin Income Fund (LU0098860793)

This articlel is about comparing withdrawing from portfolios of just SPY and Franklin Income Fund.

In the other article, I have found that the Franklin Income Fund US version has a smoother upper return slope than SPY which means Franklin Income Fund may be safer without sacraficing too much performance.

Also in this article, I compare the US version and the Luxembourg verions of the Franklin Income Fund, and have found that they have similar performance.

Now, let's find out if the Luxembourg version of Franklin Income Fund serves better than SPY for investors when we need to withdraw a certain amonut every year.


Withdrawal Frequency

Start Date:
Portfolio Value: $
Withdrawal Rate: %

Simulate 100 Times

Retired Right Before 2000 Financial Crisis

You could withdraw up to 10% with Franklin Income Fund and still not be broke now but can do with SPY

Retired Right Before 2008 Financial Crisis

9.5% is the max you could have withdrawn from Franklin Income Fund.


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