Now the US 10-year treasury stood at the 4% level, the 20-year one at 4.36%, and the 30-year one at 4.203%, I would like to take a look at their historical charts to see if now is a possible buying point. The US 5-year treasury yields The US 10-year treasury yields The US 30-year treasury yields How much do bond prices drop according to their durations Assuming the US 5-, 10-, and 30-year treasury yields are all 4%, the followings are how much their prices decrease when yields increase by 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 3% respectively. And assume they pay coupons every 6 months with coupon rates of 4.13%, 3.38%, and 3.63 % respectively. Yield rises 0.5% The US 5-year treasury price drops 2.21%。 The US 10-year treasury price drops -4.02%。 The US 30-year treasury price drops -8.35%。 Yield rises 1% The US 5-year treasury price drops -4.37%。 The US 10-year treasury price drops -7.96%。 The US 30-year treasury price drops -15.75%。 Yield rises 2% The US 5-year treasury price drops...