SPY, VOO and IVV track the S&P 500 index while VTI tracks the CRSP US Total Market imdex. So before comparing the above 4 ETFs, let's talk about the purpose. Liquidity Liquidity is important if you trade frequently or if you do hedge or arbitrage trading using options or futures. The higher the liquidity, or the more people are trading, the smaller the bid-ask spread. Every instant buy and sell is a lost equal to the bid-ask spend. For example, if you buy IVV for $400 and sell for $399.99 because of the bid-ask spread, you lose $0.01 instantly. Therefore, if you trade frequently, you want the big-ask spread s to be as small as possible, which could happen of more people are trading the same thing, making it more liquid. Which has the best liquidity? Below are average trading volumes of the 4 ETFs looked up on June 11, 2022 from Yahoo Finance: SPY: 98,572,973 IVV: 6,249,858 VOO: 5,574,242 VTI:...